Unistal founded in 1994, is the market leader in software product and application development with a global footprint of over 17 million licensed users spread across 125 countries. Since then Unistal’s data care, Anti-Virus, data security products and data recovery services deliver a cutting edge solution which helps business to manage costs, improve processes & optimize overall growth, and thereby delivering value to the organization.

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What is the Importance of Anti-phishing Feature?

In the age of rampant cyber crime incidences, several foster websites are flocking the web world in a quest to disrupt the safety of vulnerable PC users. Attackers are striving each day to devise new methods for compromising an individual’s information security and to bring about a cyber scam for obtaining financial gains. Phishing attacks show the dismal reality of the Internet world and can be devastating for an unprotected individual.

How Do Phishing Crimes Take Place?

Did you ever come across an email from your bank asking you to click on a link and enter your personal details to enjoy some special benefits or to know about an attractive scheme? This is a common method of gaining access to personal information of an individual by tricking them to a captivating offer. Such emails might also be coming from a well known social or auction website. However, these are often impostors.

They are designed in a way that it is difficult to judge whether they are legitimate or not. These attacks are becoming a matter of immense concern for popular and reputed organizations such as Yahoo, Google, PayPal, Microsoft, and Facebook.

How to Beat Phishers?

A phishing attack could be so harmful that it might end up draining you off your hard earned savings in just a click. The best way to handle such a risk is to stay informed and avoid any suspicious website. However, we often fail to recognize a malicious link or false payment gateway in a hurry. Moreover, modern attacking techniques have become so sophisticated that at times it is next to impossible for a front end computer user to judge the authenticity of a potentially harmful website.

However, advanced anti-phishing software can work great deal in protecting us from falling prey to the phishing crime. Your computer security software must be equipped with the anti-phishing feature for optimum protection against multiple attacks from different directions. Modern total security solutions act proactively in identifying a risky web page and also warn you before you open them.

computer security software

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