Unistal founded in 1994, is the market leader in software product and application development with a global footprint of over 17 million licensed users spread across 125 countries. Since then Unistal’s data care, Anti-Virus, data security products and data recovery services deliver a cutting edge solution which helps business to manage costs, improve processes & optimize overall growth, and thereby delivering value to the organization.

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Antivirus, as the name itself tells the entire story, is burgeoning software which suitably adapt to the platform to which it is attached. This a dynamic hefty code which existed only to eradicate or mitigate the effect of Virus on your system files.

Most probably, virus are the faulty codes which very well adapt to the executable files and other system files stored onto your system. Hence, virus may have very serious issues relating to your disk files and application files too. Viruses may lead to various malfunctioning; corrupted disk data, theft of personal data, deletion of contacts, file delete, CPU time consumption, abrupt filled memory space, or even display of unethical messages etc. Viruses can modulate in the forms like Trozan Horse, Spam, Spyware, Phishing etc.