Unistal founded in 1994, is the market leader in software product and application development with a global footprint of over 17 million licensed users spread across 125 countries. Since then Unistal’s data care, Anti-Virus, data security products and data recovery services deliver a cutting edge solution which helps business to manage costs, improve processes & optimize overall growth, and thereby delivering value to the organization.

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Total Security

The Internet has bought the world to your fingertips. From watching your favorite series on Netflix and staying updated with recent technology trends, anything you want is just a click away. But having  Total Security Software is a matter of concern if you are a teacher or a parent. Today’s youth live in a way that is not similar to how previous generations experienced during their childhood. Nowadays, Total security has become the top priority! Indeed, the Internet and television can be great tools, allowing children to explore a new world of possibilities, wonder, & the latest innovations happening around the globe. However, there is also a thin line of danger lurking online, that you as a parent or a teacher must be aware of to reward your child with Antivirus Software and keep your children safe from online predators and inappropriate

Here’s How You Can Overcome Them With Total Security Any website or online application, whether it’s a Banking application processing millions of dollars every day or a website for the neighborhood to order home essentials – can fall victim to Malicious attacks and internet security issues taking place in the digital age. Hackers select their target by the loopholes or vulnerabilities, and not by the size of the organization or the person. Small systems, that might not contain confidential data might be easy targets for hackers. You might view website security as a single protective shell to protect your confidential data and business. However, adding more shells to your security is what keeps your data safer. For example, two-factor authentication is a strong layer of protection under the circumstance that your primary password has been stolen or you just forgot it. Or,

The new era of 5G is approaching. 5G, as the name suggests is the fifth generation of wireless cellular networks. It means a newfangled network with unprecedented speed & unmatched ability to handle huge amounts of pertinent data and latency close to zero as possible. Will 5G network risk the world of IoT security? Let’s find out! 5G is going to have an incredible impact on the way the entire world works and it is rightfully lauded as the forerunner of the fourth industrial revolution. The Internet of things and Industry 4.0 has completely revolutionized the way we perform our daily tasks. Not only do we use IoT for entertainment and keeping an eye on our fitness regime, but also our houses are becoming more intelligent and innovative, and that’s the reason why 5G is touted as the “next-gen” wireless network. The future

Every single day, a lot of cyber-attacks are happening across the globe. As cyber-attacks are increasing both in numbers and sophistication, organizations, no matter big or small are increasingly under the gun to protect themselves in the digital world. Though companies have responded to this fight against the virus by installing antivirus software, thereby making total security for your system the need of the hour. Ten years ago, having antivirus software and a firewall was just more than enough to stay secure from attacks. Nowadays, hackers have become advanced, thereby making total security for your system the need of the hour.   Why advanced protection is the cornerstone of the digital world? Close your eyes and think about what online activities you do in your daily life. It’s more than just exploring social media handles and binge-watching your favorite shows or web series.

The whole world is transitioning towards a digitized future and in this revolutionized world, there are a plethora of threats that can hinder your digital identity. The viruses, malware, ransomware, and other malicious elements are constantly scouting for vulnerable systems. Hence, if your system is not protected with antivirus, then there are high chances that you’ll end up losing your sensitive data and potentially damaging your computer. The internet is pretty scary nowadays. There are a plethora of hackers who’re seeking opportunities to break in and steal your sensitive data, encrypt pertinent files and hold it for ransom, or turn your device into a slave for hackers. That’s why it’s important to ensure that all the devices connected to the internet should be protected with antivirus software. With at least several dozen antivirus solutions on the online market, including total security software,

What is total security software for windows? The total security software for windows is defined as a tool to protect the system from hackers and cyber attackers who have been evolving their methods and techniques to generate harmful threats like malware on frequent basis. It has been evaluated that the landscape of threat is evolving at rapid rate and the user must understand the integration of most advanced total security antivirus solution. Protegent total security software is a solution that has been developed majorly with the intention of mitigating security and online threats. The extra-enhanced security features can be found in the software that leaves no way for security threats enter the system including hackers. While using the software in systems, users would be able to efficiently remove the security issues such as viruses, malware, Trojans, rootkits and so on. The software

Total security software is a tool intended to ensure the prevention of e-threats. It has been developed with the efficiency of removing major problems like virus, malware, spyware, rootkits, Trojans etc. To restrict the accessing of unethical site, the developers have taken care of developing it with the latest technology and trending security measures. Why Buy Total Security Software? With the use of Protegent total security Software, it would be easier for the users to keep laptop and data completely safe and secured from the online threats. To protect the users from security or cyber threats like phishing attacks, spams, viruses etc., the software operates with the advanced protection that has been integrated in it. These days the growth of technology and internet is at fast pace and security threats along with it as well. So, it is imperative for every user to

Protegent total security software has been designed for preventing the spyware, virus, rootkits, malware and other online threats. It has been integrated with the latest technology that offers an understanding of unethical website accessing and web usage filtering. Protegent total security software  is not only offering the security from virus or malware but also goes extra mile for it. It also makes certain that the user is being offered extensive advanced protection from the viruses, phishing attacks, spams etc. which may lead to influencing the system and the data stored in it. The world of internet is expanding at rapid rate and cyber threats as well with it. It has become relevant nowadays to be ascertain that the system which is being used regularly is protected with strong security solution. Protegent total security software has got the efficiency of resolving any sort

Worried about your PC security against the deadly security threats and attacks? Don’t worry, Best Total Security Antivirus 2020 is a solution to your problems. It is very scary and dangerous as well to identify that the computer we use in our daily life is intruded by the cyber-attackers. Being a user, you would never that your online activities are being monitored by anyone especially by cyber-attackers for carrying out various immoral acts. Just the name of malicious activity scares the hell out of an individual so think if it happens in real. These things sound really daunting and it is very important that required step should be taken to offer the complete security to computer or laptop. Hence, to be ensured of security and protection against the security threats, one must install the Total Security Antivirus.    The software has been built

Have you thought of getting Protegent Total Security Antivirus Software  yet? If not, then you must. Computers have become an imperative part of human’s life as it almost makes our every task effortless. This is a time when the internet and modern technology are revolutionizing and this is why the growth in application software with interconnectedness in cyberspace is also noticed rapidly. The use of hardware is advancing day by day. With this extensive technology advancement, malicious and hazardous software especially virus is reaching the top. Hence, it becomes very important for every computer user that they ensure securing their devices like a laptop or computer, and other gadgets an individual is using for storing information or using the internet. Basically, it is essential for you to understand the relevance of antivirus software to secure yourself from any kind of security threats. If