Unistal founded in 1994, is the market leader in software product and application development with a global footprint of over 17 million licensed users spread across 125 countries. Since then Unistal’s data care, Anti-Virus, data security products and data recovery services deliver a cutting edge solution which helps business to manage costs, improve processes & optimize overall growth, and thereby delivering value to the organization.

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Total Security Antivirus Tag

Antivirus is the most common term which is used in connection with computer, internet or web security. Antivirus software is recommended for every computer system for protection against any sought of viruses, spyware, Trojans, root kits or other unknown threats.

But now the antivirus not seems to be enough to cope up with the increased number viruses and its forms. That’s why Total Security Antivirus is the new buzzword for data security which is advanced software beyond malware protection and provides extreme security against spyware, spam, phishing attacks and other online cyber threats.

Antivirus is a commonly used term with computer, laptops and now with smart phones as well. Computer users must have wondered that what antivirus software they should install in their system so that the requirement of virus protection should get soughed out.

The most common words in data security were antivirus software, total security but now Complete Security is the new buzzword which provides extremely advanced protection against viruses, spyware, malware, Trojans and other online cyber threats.

Total Security Antivirus is the most commonly used data security software now days. With the increased use of internet and computer use, there is a certain need for antivirus software which could protect computer from spyware, phishing & spam attacks, unauthorized data leakage, etc. Total Security solution provides extremely advanced protection against any sought of online cyber threats which could risk your privacy over the internet.

It’s a technology enabled world and most of the people around the world use computer as a part of their daily schedule. As the world is getting digitalized, computers provide various benefits for the users and make many tasks very easy for them. Computers are used not only for making online transactions but also to keep important data in them for use in near future or stored as memories of past.

Antivirus is data security software which is required to protect your computer system from all sought of viruses, spyware, malware, Trojans, root kits and other online cyber threats. Antivirus software not only protect data present in computer system from corruption but also allows users to surf the internet without worrying about phishing and spam attacks which might cause theft of confidential information.

There are many things which need to be remembered after/before you install any antivirus software in your computer system. Antivirus is data security software which provides extreme protection against viruses, spywares, malwares and other unknown threats.

Antivirus software is essential for every PC which provides protection from unknown security threats which might be approaching your computer system from external ports, pen drives, CD/DVD and through internet which is the major source of viruses in computers.

With the advent of Information and Technology sector, Antivirus has become a basic necessity of every computer system. And to fulfil this basic necessity, various antivirus companies are offering their antivirus software in the market. We do believe that every company’s antivirus product is different from the other in context to the features and modules offered. No two antivirus software brands can have the same configuration/features which they offer to the users.