Unistal founded in 1994, is the market leader in software product and application development with a global footprint of over 17 million licensed users spread across 125 countries. Since then Unistal’s data care, Anti-Virus, data security products and data recovery services deliver a cutting edge solution which helps business to manage costs, improve processes & optimize overall growth, and thereby delivering value to the organization.

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System Tune-Up Software Tag

How SysBoost Module of Protegent360 Complete Security Antivirus Increase Your Work Efficiency? If you’re sitting in front of a laptop or desktop on which windows is running very slow, then maybe you’re wondering just how much does it is cost your business? The average current estimated value is 5.5 days per year for each employee. Lagging, outdated computers and slow Internet connections demoralize employees and also cost the organization valuable time and money. Quick boot times and swift operations is one of the most important requirement from PC’s and laptops nowadays. After all, we want our PCs to run at peak performance, regardless of whether we have a low budget laptop or an expensive gaming desktop. Slowly however, that blazing fast out-of-the-box performance fades away and PC slows down gradually. Most computers eventually lose that speedy performance and become lethargic. The operating system gets clogged up