Unistal founded in 1994, is the market leader in software product and application development with a global footprint of over 17 million licensed users spread across 125 countries. Since then Unistal’s data care, Anti-Virus, data security products and data recovery services deliver a cutting edge solution which helps business to manage costs, improve processes & optimize overall growth, and thereby delivering value to the organization.

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Cyber Security antivirus Tag

Living in a digital era can be exciting and daunting at the same time. Social media is appealing because humans are social animals who love to interact with each other. However, these positive impulses can take a wrong turn if not done with utmost care and protection. Interacting on social media has become an addiction. Even if you consciously try to avoid social media, and the constant bombardment of news, ads, and information that comes along with it, there is still a chance that the continuous dependence on digital media can haunt you. Today’s generation relies heavily on networks and digital devices – from paying bills online to seeking medical bits of advice online. However, cases of data theft and cybercrime are something that rarely deviates from the news headlines. These headlines are enough to make anyone antsy. Cyber criminals are ditching the