Unistal founded in 1994, is the market leader in software product and application development with a global footprint of over 17 million licensed users spread across 125 countries. Since then Unistal’s data care, Anti-Virus, data security products and data recovery services deliver a cutting edge solution which helps business to manage costs, improve processes & optimize overall growth, and thereby delivering value to the organization.

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How Antivirus Software is able to detect Viruses and Other Online Threats?

Antivirus software is a most common term which is been used along with the desktops, laptops, mobiles, tablets and other computer systems. Unistal been a pioneer in data recovery and data security products always recommend use of antivirus software in any sought of computer device which provides protection against any sought of viruses, spyware, malware, root kits, phishing attacks, spam attacks and other online cyber threats.

In the past, individuals and businesses were only thinking about data security software or antivirus software or total security antivirus which only protect from viruses, spyware and other online cyber threats. But their computer systems were not enabled with any data loss prevention tools which could provide prevention from accidental data loss, data deletion or data formatting.

At the present time, Data is the most crucial thing which is stored in the storage memory of the computer system. Data is important for both individuals and Businesses. For individuals, data may include images, video, assignments, presentations, etc. For Business, data may include emails, contacts, database, presentations, agreements, etc.

Confused What To Choose – Paid or Free Antivirus Software?

Today’s world is very different from medieval times, and user data is the most important thing one can think of. Data can be of anything! It could be the findings of an billion dollar research. It could be personal and secretive. It could be strategic and sensitive information, right from government’s archives. It could be the launch codes or blueprint of a nuclear bomb. There are countless possibilities, where data stolen or duplicated can be used for illegal, dangerous, malicious, and monetary purposes. In present times, there have been instances where leaked data brought entire economies down. Illicitly acquired data has led to clash between nations. Such is its importance. So, it must be guarded using appropriate means.

In most of the cases, it is not the technical ignorance of the user, but a well-planned “virus” attack, which opens the access gateways to the magnetic vaults of data. These innocent looking, small sized viruses are meticulously engineered to manipulate any loophole in the firewall and security layers of the system. Many times, they take user permissions in very creative ways, by setting baits for the user. Some viruses even facilitate their creators (aka Hackers) by providing remote-access to them. With so many ways to plunder user data, it is imperative that someone should research and device ways to stop this from happening. This seeded the idea to create a system for preventing and tackling such thefts, and thus, Antivirus Software systems came into existence.

Antivirus is a commonly used term with computer, laptops and now with smart phones as well. Computer users must have wondered that what antivirus software they should install in their system so that the requirement of virus protection should get soughed out.

The most common words in data security were antivirus software, total security but now Complete Security is the new buzzword which provides extremely advanced protection against viruses, spyware, malware, Trojans and other online cyber threats.

If you have installed antivirus software in your computer system, it doesn’t that now antivirus has the sole liability to protect your PC from all sought of unknown threats. Antivirus Software is installed in PC to protect it from viruses, spyware, worms, Trojans, malwares and other internet threats. But for complete protection of computer from unknown threats there is something to be done by the user as well.

There are some recommendations which user should make sure while using any antivirus software which will make sure that AV works to its optimum capability and provides extremely advanced protection against any unknown viruses.

Antivirus is derived from two different words “Anti” & “Virus”. As the name suggest, antivirus is programmable software which is developed with a motive to remove any sought of viruses, spyware, malware and online cyber threats.

Before getting into the need for antivirus software, first let’s get into what is a virus?

Antivirus is data security software which is required to protect your computer system from all sought of viruses, spyware, malware, Trojans, root kits and other online cyber threats. Antivirus software not only protect data present in computer system from corruption but also allows users to surf the internet without worrying about phishing and spam attacks which might cause theft of confidential information.

Antivirus is the most essential software utility which is recommended for all computers, laptops, PC and others for confidential data security along with enhanced web surfing experience. Antivirus is being used across the world by majority of computer users and their numbers are increasing at a very rapid rate considering the advanced virus attacks & other cyber threats like ransomware, Trojan, etc.

Only Antivirus Software is enough?