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Rising Ransomware Attacks in India: Stay Protected with Protegent Complete Security

According to a new survey, the number of ransomware attacks in India has considerably grown, with 77% of Indian businesses reporting that they were a victim of ransomware in 2023, up from 57% the year before.

According to another report by the cybersecurity firm Sophos, data encryption was successful in 77% of ransomware attacks against examined organizations. An estimated 44% of the victim companies paid the ransom to get their data recovered a significant decrease from the average of 78% in 2016.

In the digital age, where technology is our constant companion, ransomware assaults pose a fresh and dangerous menace. With its developing digital economy, India has seen an increase in ransomware incidents that have wreaked havoc on both individuals and businesses. It is crucial to be informed and stay protected against ransomware attacks. In this extensive blog, we will examine the expanding ransomware problem, its effects, and how Protegent Antivirus Software serves as a powerful defense against these online robbers.

Ransomware: A Digital Plague

Understanding Ransomware

A form of malicious software called ransomware is intended to encrypt a victim’s files and hold them captive until the attacker receives a payment. These attacks, which can cause widespread panic and financial losses, can target people, businesses, hospitals, and even governmental institutions.

The Escalating Ransomware Threat in India

India, with its rapidly digitizing economy, has become a prime target for such attacks. In recent years, we’ve witnessed a significant uptick in attacks on Indian businesses, government bodies, and individuals. Attackers see India as fertile ground due to the increasing reliance on technology, which creates vulnerabilities that can be exploited.


The Devastating Impact of Ransomware

Financial Losses: These attacks have a direct financial impact. In order to regain access to their critical data, organizations are often forced to pay large ransoms.

Operational Disruption: Attacks using ransomware damage operations, obstructing regular business operations and leading to long periods of outages. This may result in lost sales and reputational harm to a company.

Data Loss and Privacy Violation: Data loss may occur with ransomware encrypts files. For some people, this could mean losing priceless memories, while for certain corporations, it could mean losing important information.

Security Concerns: There is no guarantee that the encrypted files will be released, even if the ransom is paid. Incentives can be created by paying the ransom.

Exploiting security flaws, which occurred in 35% of cases, and having credentials stolen, which happened in 33% of cases, emerged as the main causes of ransomware attacks.

Why Staying Updated Matters

New types and tactics for ransomware are constantly being developed. Keeping up with the most recent  outbreaks is essential for various reasons:

  1. Early Detection: Knowing about recent attacks allows individuals and organizations to be vigilant and take preventative measures before falling victim.
  2. Understanding Trends: Tracking new trends helps security experts anticipate attackers’ strategies and develop more effective defense mechanisms.
  3. Alerting the Community: Sharing information about these online attacks helps create awareness and allows others to protect themselves.
  4. Security Patch Updates: Many attackers take advantage of flaws in outdated software. The rapid application of security fixes is ensured by staying current.

Globally, there were reportedly 3640 successful ransomware attacks between May 2021 and June 2022. (Source: AAG).


2023 trends for Ransomware

Ransomware and phishing are inextricably related. According to the most recent statistics, phishing is the main reason behind the distribution of ransomware. The attacks are still common in the business world, as evidenced by a recent analysis that revealed 75% of the 1400 organizations polled experienced the attack (Source: ET CFO.com).

88% of the 26% of respondents who said they had encountered a “substantial” increase in email threats during the previous year. This is much higher than the 65% ransomware experience of organizations whose email threats did not considerably increase.

The initial phishing attack’s primary goal, rather than expressly stealing data using ransomware, is the taking of credentials. According to ‘ET’ survey of 2249 social engineering instances, 63% led to the compromise of credentials, which was higher than the percentages for internal data (32%) and personal data (21%).

Hackers can get access to internal networks by using credentials to pose as “legal” users. They may be able to spread it from within the network undetected and increase their attack, encrypting and deleting data before internal staff have a chance to react.


Protegent Antivirus Software: Your Digital Guardian

In the battle against ransomware, Protegent Antivirus Software emerges as a stalwart defender. Protection from viruses and other dangers is provided by the comprehensive security software. You can safely browse the internet, play games, and do online banking with our antivirus. It even has a special feature to help you recover lost data. It’s easy to install and use, and it comes with advanced Cloud Protection. It is the best choice for PCs, laptops, and Windows users who want to stay safe online.

Here’s how it can help:

Ransomware Defense: We provide multiple layers of protection against ransomware, stopping the threat before it can harm your files or sensitive data on your computer or laptop.

Stay Safe from Real-Time Threats: Our antivirus software is unique because it includes data recovery tools to protect your computer from the latest digital threats.

Smart Protection for your PC: Our software keeps your computer safe and updated without you even noticing. It runs quietly in the background, making sure everything stays secure.

Defending Against Malware: We stop malware in its tracks, preventing hackers from attacking your computer and ensuring total security and protection for smooth functioning.

Shielding your Sensitive Data: Our software blocks unauthorized access and includes advanced features like Cloud Protection, DNA Scan, and Sandbox Technology to keep your data safe.

Two-tier Internet Security: For worry-free browsing and online activities.

Effortless Updates: We make it easy to keep your software up-to-date, protecting your system from the newest threats.

Quick and Easy Installation: Our software is a top choice for IT users because it installs quickly and easily.



The Road Ahead: Staying Vigilant

While Protegent Antivirus Software offers a strong defense against ransomware, it is still important to keep up with the most recent threats and attack vectors. The best ally you can have in the ongoing conflict over cybersecurity is information.

  1. Keep your software updated: Ensure that you keep Protegent updated to benefit from the latest security enhancements and threat intelligence.
  2. Educate yourself and your team: Understanding the nature of ransomware attacks and practicing safe online habits is critical. Train your employees, family, and friends about recognizing and avoiding potential threats.
  3. Follow security news: Stay updated on cybersecurity news through reputable sources. Knowledge of recent attacks can help you remain vigilant and proactive.
  4. Backup your Data: Regularly back up your important data to an external source or a secure cloud service. This can mitigate the impact of a ransomware attack.


In conclusion,

The risk of ransomware exists, and its effects may be catastrophic. Your best line of defense is to keep up with the most recent ransomware assaults in India. You’ll be well-equipped to navigate the digital world safely if you pair this alertness with the powerful security provided by Protegent. Keep in mind that knowledge is actually powerful in the digital world, and proactive protection is your defense against ransomware’s evil forces. Be protected, knowledgeable, and safe.

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