How to Protect Your Computer System from Virus Attack
Protecting computer system from virus attack is always a challenging task for all computer users. At this age of advanced technology, computer seems to be the most helpful and essential part of every person in the world. But as per sayings, bad things always get accompanied with the good ones. Same goes with the advanced computers. They provide users with features like high speed, high resolution, graphics and other helpful functionalities. But with this comes the chances of attacks by unknown viruses, spyware, Trojans, worms, root kits and other online cyber threats. These unknown attacks on your computer system could cause various issues like data corruption, data deletion, data theft, spamming, unauthorised data transfer, etc.
There are various traditional & advanced ways through which you can protect you computer system from all sought of virus attack resulting in user’s data security and freedom of surfing the web without any worry.
- Use of Antivirus Software
Having antivirus software in your computer system provides 100% assurance of protection from unknown threats like viruses, spyware, phishing attacks, spam and other online threats. There is always a recommendation from computer manufacturers that user should install a free/paid antivirus software in your system to have a safe web browsing and confidential data security. We recommend use of paid antivirus software as it comes with full functionalities provided with a subscription period.
- Always Enable your Firewall
We do recommend that user should always enable their firewall in computer system which will block any spam or phishing attack your internet and protect the confidential data from leakage and corruption. Firewall works as virus blocking wall which doesn’t allows user to get access to spam and phishing attacking websites.
- Never visit Spam Website
Virus generally approaches your computer system from spam websites whose major intention is to get user attention and spread virus into user’s system when he/she visit that particular website. We recommend that if you want to keep your computer system secured from viruses, and then never visit any website which looks spam.
- Don’t Attach Unknown External Devices
External devices like pen drives, CD/DVD, external hard disk, memory cards, etc are the main sources through which virus get into your computer system. We recommend that you should not attack unknown external devices to your computer system. If it is necessary to do so, then you first should scan the external device first to eliminate any chances to virus attacks.
- Don’t Open Spam Mails
Emails are also the common source of viruses in your computer system. Spam are basically unwanted mail which are shoot with an intention to spam the user by asking for personal details like credit card number, pin, etc which could cost a lot if executed. We recommend that user should not open any link provided in the email which looks like spam and should simply discard them. This will assure that your computer is not going to be affected by any external threats.
- Use Pop-up Blocker
Pop-ups are the most annoying thing which gets in the way while we are accessing some particular websites. We do suggest users accessing web that they should install pop-up blocker extension in their web browser which will assure that no unwanted pop-up gets generated. Pop-up sometimes become the most common reason of unknown virus attack and thus should be avoided in every case.
- Slow Down your Downloads
Now days the download speed has reached new milestones and the users always want to avail the high speed of internet for the purpose of downloading. While downloading non-trusted stuffs (file, movies, songs, software, etc), there might of chances that unknown viruses also gets downloaded along with it. So, we recommend that user should download stuffs from trusted websites and should never download anything from spam website as it may cost a lot afterwards.
That’s it in today’s discussion about “How to protect your Computer system from Virus Attack”.
The information which is furnished above is correct as per our research. We welcome are suggestion and comments on the above discussion.
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