What to do when your email account is hacked?
Get an insight on how to get back your hacked email account and stop hackers from further targeting it. According to a report from Kaspersky, over 50% of cyber attacks in India last year were phishing-related, with a large portion of these attacks coming through email. An alarming one, right? Are you also waking up to a nightmare—where you see your email account being hacked? Seems natural in today's scenario. It’s one of those nightmares we all dread—finding out that your email account has been hacked. At first, you might not even realize something’s wrong until a friend or colleague tells you they’ve received strange emails from your account. Scammers often target email accounts to send out deceptive messages, hoping to trick others into clicking on malicious links, handing over personal information, or even sending money. What’s scary is that once hackers gain access
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